Sajal Ali and Feroze Khan will be seen together in an upcoming Pakistani film titled “Mann Mere”. The actress is being forced by the directors for many months to play a major part in the film.
Due to her busy schedule she was unable to concentrate on the offer. Now the actress has finally said yes.
The good news is that’s he will be seen together with her lifetime as well as a perfect on screen partner Feroz Khan. Both the actors are excited as Mann Mere would be their Debut film. The audience is excited to see the on screen chemistry one more time as they are pretty much know for theory exceptional work in much criticized ARY serial “Chup raho“.
The film is being produced by an Australian film company RC Films. Mr.Saqib Khan, a very renowned director of our industry has also signed and came on board as director plus among the one of the producers.
The film shooting of Mann Mere will be done in the two beautiful cities of the world Sydney (Australia) and Karachi (Pakistan).
It is also reported that the film will be a family entertainment movie with a strong social message. Let see, if the film will win the hearts of Sajal fans. We wish them all the best for their endeavors and future projects.
Sajal Ali will be seen together with Feroze Khan in Pakistani film titled Mann Mere.