Rumoured couple Arjun Kapoor and Malaika Arora positioned themselves in the centre of a group picture from Thursday night get-together with their friends. The pre-Christmas party (going by the Christmas tree emoticon) was apparently hosted by Arjun’s aunt Maheep Kapoor (wife of Sanjay Kapoor), who had also invited Kareena Kapoor, Amrita Arora, Anu Dewan, Seema Khan and Sophie Choudry too. But the Internet had eyes for Arjun and Malaika, who sat close with big smiles on their faces. “Hhmm… Arjun Kapoor and Malaika together!?” read a comment on Maheep’s post.
Read Also: Arjun Kapoor & Girlfriend Malaika Arora OPENLY Show Their Relationship By Holding hands In Public
“Oh, is it official now between Arjun and Malaika?,” another Instagram user wrote.In case you can take your eyes off Arjun and Malaika, take a look at Kareena Kapoor‘s fabulous black outfit with thigh-high slit and a plunging neckline. Minimal accessories and kohled-eyes finished out her look. We also liked Malaika’s trendy sequinned pants teamed with a turtle neck crop top.
Back to Arjun and Malaika – the rumoured couple features on the list of trends frequently. Few weeks ago, Arjun temporarily joined the judge’s panel with Malaika on India’s Got Talent. A picture of Arjun taking Malika to the stage by her hand went crazy viral. Arjun and Malaika were spotted again exiting a restaurant and yes, the pictures sent the Internet into a meltdown.