A depiction of the shades of earth and a story that unfolds the beauty of autumn with minimalism serving as the central vein of all his creations, Adnan Pardesy presented ‘Chthonic’; epitome of clean and simple designing at the Fashion Pakistan Week 2, day 3.
The collection of Fashion designer Adnan Pardesy unveiled through volume construction, textures, quilting and top stitching on cotton twills, muslins and silk chamois.
The colors were inspired by the shades of autumn and, as the name suggests, the under layer of the soil such as grey, navy, brown, blue, silver charcoal and red. The styling was simple and clean, sans embroidery made the fabric and the cut eye-catching. The architecture and the structures at Guggenheim led to this remarkable composition that revealed Adnan Pardesy’s penchant for exciting and original fare.
The collection of Fashion designer Adnan Pardesy unveiled through volume construction, textures, quilting and top stitching on cotton twills, muslins and silk chamois.