Arjun Rampal and his girlfriend, Gabriella Demtriades were over the moon on Thursday as the couple welcomed their first child together. Gabriella was admitted to Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai on Wednesday and gave birth to a baby boy on Thursday. While Arjun and Gabriella recently opened up about their relationship, they had been spotted time and again in the city together. The couple is yet to lock in any names for the baby boy and are just taking in the precious moments with their little one.
Read Also: Arjun Rampal and Girlfriend Gabriella Demetriades Blessed with a Baby Boy!
Yesterday, Gabriella took to Instagram to share the first glimpse of her baby boy. While the baby’s face can’t be seen in the photo, we can see daddy Arjun holding the little one in his arms. Clad in a black tee, Arjun seemed quite serene and calm as he held his baby boy in his embrace. Post this, Gabriella also shared a photo of herself and her changed hair colour and captioned it, ‘need the change.’ Also, we got to see what Arjun’s first gift to his baby boy was in another picture.
Check out the first photos: