Cute Shoes For Soon-to-Be Walkers

Does your baby stand up using a nearby fixture’s support while crawling?? Does he try to move while holding the sides of table or sofa? If so, Its time to buy him a cute pair of kids shoes so that your soon to be walker makes a successful attempt towards taking his first independent step.

Before you spend a good amount of money on a wrong and uncomfortable pair of kids shoes, you must take a look at our kids shoe guide so that you opt the most useful, and appropriate availability that would encourage your little one to cruise.
Shoes Must Mimic The Condition Of Walking Barefoot:
The first kids shoe guide tip says that you should opt the pair of kids shoes that adds a layer of safety while most closely mimic the conditions of walking barefoot as it is good for the development and right growth of your soon to be walker’s foot muscles.
It is rightly believed that kids must be made to walk barefoot but only indoors. It is a good exercise if you allow his little feet to touch the floor so that his muscles grow well. If you confine your baby’s feet in kids shoes for hours and hours, it might affect his foot growth and result in flattened or collapsed arches.
But for safety purposes, kids shoes are a must so that your little one might not tread on a broken glass, a nail, or garbage. Kids shoes are also necessary to prevent your baby’s soft skin from stepping on hot or cold places, and specially in winter when it is really cold. The socks with rubber grips attached to the heals are the best option for your soon to be walker as it provides safety while being close to the barefoot walking posture.
Kids Shoes Must Be Soft Soled:
The kids shoe guidelines always profess to go for a soft soled, flexible pair of kids shoes that remains comfortable and easily adjustable with the foot movement of your child. Whenever he twists and bends his foot or tries to stand on his toes, the shoes must move with the foot. It would only be possible if the sole is flexible, foamy, soft and light weight. The kids shoes that have hard soles make your baby feel tired and he stops putting struggle towards his efforts to walk.
Buy an Appropriate size – Neither Tight Nor Loose:
Kids shoes are usually available in small, medium, large and extra large sizes. You need to try the pair of kids shoes you are considering and check if the size is appropriate for the baby or not. Kids shoes if too loose will make him fall when move. If the shoes are tight, he would not bear them and keep crying. To share with you the kids shoe guide tips on shoe selection, It is important to place your baby in the shoes which are exactly his size. You must prefer the fitting over design and colour of the kids shoes.
The Sole Has to Be Tough:
The sole of the kids shoes should be a little tough so that it protects your child’s feet from getting hurt while treading. By being tough doesn’t mean hard sole. Sole should be soft yet tough.
The Shoe Grip Should Be Firm:
The soon to be walkers are very shaky when they make steps, and shoes if don’t fit well, can make them fall. So an important kids shoe guide for you is to check if the kids shoes you are purchasing hug your baby’s foot well or not. His shoes should completely hold and grip his feet on all sides. Your baby if doesn’t fall because of a good shoe grip, will soon gain confidence and start cruising. Thus good shoe grip eases out his learning to walk.
We hope that the above mentioned kids shoe guide lines will definitely help you out if you are a mother of such a toddler!

Selecting kids shoes for a soon to be walker is not that easy as it seems to be! There are several aspects which you might never have considered in this connection. Here is a complete kids shoe guide for your soon to be walker!

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